Several experimental observations have linked mitochondrial energy production to structural rearrangements of the membranes in the organelle. A direct validation of this hypothesis is not easy to provide because on the one hand, these studies rely on electron tomography (ET) to reveal the three-dimensional structure but on the other hand ET only gives static and no dynamic information. To address this question, we combined realistic morphologies reconstructed from electron microscopy tomograms with Markov state transition models to describe the molecular dynamics of the main ATP production components.

inner structure mitochondria
Mitochondria morphology and main components of ATP production.
A physiological multiscale model of a mitochondrion based on electron microscopy tomography and dynamic simulations using MCell.

I started this project as part of my PhD, under the guidance of Prof. Alexander Skupin, and in collaboration with Mark Ellisman’s and Sejnowski’s Labs, with the support of the Luxembourg National Research Fund in the frame of a PhD Grant to me. Later on, as a postdoctoral fellow, I continue working on this project with Prof. Padmini Rangamani and in collaboration with Prof. Itay Budin.

Several publications derived form this work: